© 2019 Ace Courier Express
P.O. Box 3274
Glens Falls, NY 12801
A full service courier delivering
to Glens Falls,
Saratoga, Albany NY
and anywhere in the USA.

DOT Licensed
Fully Insured
$ SAVE $ Same Day Delivery!
What it would cost your company for a round trip to Albany from Glens Falls:
- FUEL: $20.00 approximately
- WEAR AND TEAR: $15.00
- LABOR: $40.00
- TOTAL: $75.00
$36.00 + Fuel Surcharge
WE SAVE YOU MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also offering contract pricing.
We Pick-Up Where the Others Drop-Off
Ace Courier Express has been a full service courier since 1987. Ace Courier Express services the Tri City, Saratoga, Glens Falls area on a daily basis Monday-Friday.
We offer one trip daily from Glens Falls to Saratoga and Albany, Troy. We leave Glens Falls at approximately 8:00am. We have one trip from Albany, and Troy to Saratoga and Glens Falls at approximately 10:00am.
We carry anything from documents and packages to very large loads. We provide SPECIAL and RUSH service to virtually any place in the United States as well.
Our current rate up to 50lbs. is $36.00 + fuel surcharge. Delivery completion, most times, after trip departure, is within 4 hours.
We specialize in emergency long distance runs. Pelase call us for a quote.
If you would like to see a sales person please contact us for an appointment. We offer many different shipping options. We can conform to any of your shipping needs.
We service all areas. Click here for pricing.
Thanks for your time, hoping to serve you in the near future.
Respectfully Yours,
Chris Mayer
Ace Courier Express, Inc.